Ecosystemic development integrates land use strategies at a specific level, such as the watershed level for example. It must consider ecosystems and their carrying capacity, as well as the populations present and their activities.
Having well managed natural, urban and industrial ecosystems means enjoying greater biodiversity and lower pollution levels, resulting in a better quality of life for local populations. Development stakeholders and decision makers must take this reality into account when choosing, building or enhancing a site
As its name implies, environmental engineering is engineering at the service of the environment. When carried out at the watershed level by Groupe Hémisphères, environmental engineering allows better water management during the restoration and protection of banks, the construction of culverts or the monitoring of surface runoff quality.
Habitat Creation and Rehabilitation
Several human activities disrupt, reduce or even destroy natural habitats. However, it is possible to mitigate these impacts through targeted developments that preserve or improve the habitat quality of flora and wildlife. The restoration of riparian strips that border lakes and the rehabilitation of a canalized stream are examples of this. Groupe Hémisphères:- rehabilitates and creates habitats with innovative thinking and techniques that respect the location’s ecology;
- submits plans and estimates for the development and management of natural or urbanized habitats;
- assesses the situation, formulates concepts and monitors the work.
Development Constraints and Opportunities
The pressures of human development on the natural environment are increasing. As a result, it is essential that informed decisions be made based on reliable scientific, technical and legal data. Groupe Hémisphères:
- determines and delimits a territory’s biological and physical constraints, such as soil thickness and characteristics, slope classes, as well as the presence of wetlands or species with special status;
- evaluates the natural environment enhancement possibilities, such as the creation of interpretation or multipurpose trails, lookouts as well as wastewater infiltration or purification sites;
- recommends realistic development plans, including appropriate plans and estimates;
- identifies environmental issues pertaining to the application of legislation;
- helps its clients negotiate with different ministries to acquire the permits and certificates of authorization required for a project.
Identification of Flood-Prone Areas
In flood-prone areas, issues associated with the development and presence of infrastructures are a growing concern for decision makers and developers. The spring or torrential water levels that cause overflows can lead to considerable costs when buildings are located in flood-prone areas. Groupe Hémisphères:
- has developed an approach that ensures development plans comply with regulations;
- determines spot heights using measurement tools in the field;
- obtains a territory’s historical data and distinctive characteristics, such as the location of water level observation sites, the longitudinal profile of stream sections, the determination of preliminary flood levels and the precise boundaries of the flood-prone area.
Surface Runoff Quality Monitoring
Over the years, many activities taking place on the banks of lakes and streams (filling, deforestation, etc.), as well as surface runoff along eroded paths, have contributed to the augmentation of nutrients and particles in aquatic environments. In order to limit these effects and protect the environment, Groupe Hémisphères:
- monitors the environmental quality of ditches and streams that contribute to surface runoff, at the watershed level;
- divides the runoff into homogeneous sections;
- characterizes the problematic sections;
- recommends appropriate solutions for each identified section;
- compiles the results and creates a cartographical document summarizing the extent of the problems.
Stream Management
To carry out a project that complies with the applicable uses and legislation, it is necessary to properly manage streams and the crossings that are built over them. When preparing a stream management plan, Groupe Hémisphères:
- conducts inventories and hydrological calculations for the sizing of culverts;
- submits plans and estimates for the installation of culverts;
- produces plans for the management and stabilization of banks;
- recommends and undertakes developments to improve the fish habitat;
- carries out or monitors the necessary work.
Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Groupe Hémisphères also offers, in partnership with Géofor Environnement, hydrological and hydrogeological services, which include:
- the installation and surveying of meteorological or hydrometric stations;
- the assessment of flood and dry-weather flows using data gathered or through modeling;
- the installation of piezometers;
- the carrying out of drilling and pumping tests of the water table.
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Plan d’aménagement pour la restauration écologique de boisés et bandes riveraines
Gestion et contrôle d’espèces exotiques envahissantes
Plan de gestion des rives