Communication is crucial in the field of environment, namely for educating and raising awareness among specific groups so they may have a better understanding of the issues and their solutions. Through transparency and meticulousness, good environmental communication helps foster a necessary degree of trust.
In a complementary manner, environmental management allows an organization to define key environmental issues and related objectives. Tangible action can then be taken to address environmental problems.
Environmental Training and Communication
Groupe Hémisphères employs numerous environmental communication strategies:
- information campaigns (public meetings, print and audiovisual media, direct mail, social networks, etc.);
- preparation of scientific articles or popularization;
- development of educational or promotional material (awareness brochures, posters, etc.);
- public consultations (BAPE, strategic action plan, briefs, etc.).
Groupe Hémisphères also organizes training workshops (health of lakes, threatened wildlife and flora, septic system performance, application of environmental legislation, etc.) and conferences on pertinent issues for citizens, municipalities and companies.
Environmental Management
Environmental management is becoming increasingly popular among organizations wishing to improve their environmental performance and reduce their environmental footprint. Groupe Hémisphères can help you achieve your goal and with the preparation of:
- an environmental policy;
- a policy on green procurement;
- a sustainable development plan;
- a green plan;
- an environmental scorecard.
The company can also provide assistance with the implementation of an environmental management system based on the ISO 14001 standard, which can be applied to any type of organization. Our company works with you to:
- design an environmental policy;
- identify your activities and their possible impacts on the environment;
- establish a link between these activities and the applicable laws and regulations;
- determine objectives and targets.
Some Achievements
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Environmental Management System